Thursday, December 29, 2011

Life as a Red Head

Ok, so I’m a natural brunette who occasionally likes to go a little more auburn.  And then there was the time in college that my crew teammates and I in an attempt to go more red took on a distinctly orangeish look, while training at the University of Tennessee (team color? orange).  Count coach not happy.  And a time during law school when it might have been more purplish.

So out on mission yesterday, the Chief Judge had distinctly raven hair and a beard which did NOT match his eyebrows and the DCoP in another district had pretty crazy and obviously dyed red hair as well.  So I knew something was up.  I consulted my USMC culture smart card and DoD country handbook and nothing.  Both Google and Wikipedia (ever veritable sources of knowledge) tell me that this is because Muhammad had red hair or dyed his hair red.  I’ve asked a few soldiers about this and they chalked it up more to “fashion.”  Hmmmm.  Either way, I’m happy to have something in addition to an affinity for chai in common with my Afghan friends.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Am Woman, Hear Me…Be a Woman

I said that I would write about some of the issues I face as a female working in Afghanistan.  What I didn’t expect was the experience I had today.  As at all FOBs, where I currently am there are many missions being carried out simultaneously – from the operational to those that round out the COIN strategy.  PRTs, DSTs, ADTs, and us wonderful ROL folks all have our role to play.  So many missions involve a combination of each unit’s objectives.  Today the platoon was taking me and MSgt R to meet with the judge/prosecutor/huquq in a district and then we would also visit two schools for some follow up work for the DST.  The ROL meetings were uneventful.  Ok, I did have my first Afghan dining experience.  Rice, bread (like naan), and some street meat.  I was politely passing on the street meat until LT said “ma’am, you have 5 seconds” and down it went.  We were going to mark 1330 on my forehead.  So far, so good.

Anyhow, back to the schools.  We arrived at the second school and suddenly I’m in demand even though this visit isn’t my bailiwick.  Then it clicks.  Girls attend this school and I’m the only female out today.  CAPT S told me I should take my helmet off so they could see I was a female.  What ensued I can only describe as my first celebrity experience.  We held our meeting with the school’s headmaster and a couple teachers in a room with windows and gaggles of elementary school aged girls gathered around staring at me and giving me a thumbs up (which I of course returned).  When we were finished, they asked me to say a few words to the girls.  I gave my best “stay in school…don’t do drugs” mini-speech, pointing out that there are women in the ANA and ANP and encouraging them to keep going to school.  And then I shook all of their hands, politician style.  BSS would be so proud.  Pictures may be forthcoming…

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Afghanistan everyone!  It is a bright and sunny day here on the FOB.  I woke up and checked the NORAD Santa tracker and it’s true, Santa does visit Afghanistan.

This is my first Christmas away from family, but I am so happy that Steve is with his family in Maryland and my family is together in Ohio.  My family visited my Mom’s side in Centerburg last night and will see my Dad’s side tomorrow.  Mateo was even kind enough to wrap my presents for me.  The DeVitos had bouillabaisse for Christmas Eve dinner which makes me hungry just thinking about it – the same meal they cooked me the night before I left.  Absolutely delicious.  I inherited my baking skills from my grandmothers, but have much to learn from the DeVitos.

With any luck I will be able to skype with everyone later in the day and watch everyone open presents.  I myself picked up a Glee Christmas CD at the USO at BAF, will watch Christmas Vacation at some point, and am serving Christmas dinner with my unit tonight at the DFAC.

Lots of love from Afghanistan!

Friday, December 23, 2011


That’s the name of the dorm I stayed in last night.  It was super in that it was heated and I suppose fortress like in that it was surrounded by T walls.  Still thought it was a little funny.  If I stayed in “Litigator” a couple dorms down it might have been more appropriate.

Stopped by the legal office to talk to Lt Col P, who happens to be stationed where my next assignment will be.  It’s a small JAG Corps and it’s always great to run into fellow JAGs.

If you’re looking for a blog that is far more substantive and comprehensive on rule of law type issues than mine, check out Lawfare

And justice rolls on at the ICTR

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Breathe and Reboot

Sitting here in the USO at BAF, munching on a homemade chocolate cookie and the first decent cup of coffee I’ve had since I left, I can indeed breathe in that extra dose of patience (probably not the last) that I will need to get through this.  I suspect literally not being able to breathe (a diagnosis of asthma, which I haven’t had since I was 10, from the good doc due to the delightful KAF air) and having the location of my assignment change yet again was a little more than I could handle yesterday (I know, seems minor in the rearview).  If I could get that look my Dad does when he’s really frustrated about something (like another ND turnover), it would have been yesterday.  Some of you might think I inherited this look in my every day lawyerly seriousness. Trust me, I’ve got nothing on my Dad.   

BAF doesn’t seem like a bad place to spend a deployment.  It’s as big as KAF but has more paved roads which keeps the dust at bay and seems more Air Forcey (I’m not making a judgment on that one…).  Thanks to MSgt E for setting me up with a room and avoiding the transient tent and TSgt G for the tour of the old radar tower.

Something for me to look forward to – the summer 2012 JAG forecast was “published” yesterday.  Based on the welcome email from my new boss and everyone I know in passing that will be joining me at my new assignment, I think it will be a fun and interesting couple years.  And it’s DC!  Back from the edge of the AF empire ;)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


As I wrap up my time at KAF (for now), a little miscellany:
-          When I said I wouldn’t be running outside for 6 months a couple weeks ago, I was wrong.  Thanks to the guys for letting me tag along with your workouts.  On the best or worst of days (or days you’re just waiting to go somewhere…), you can never go wrong putting in a few miles. 
-          As a member of the AF, it sure is nice to hear planes again…though I might roll my eyes inside a tad when the Chief says “that’s the sound of freedom” every time a fighter takes off.
-          Everyone who rolls through KAF knows about the poo pond.  Why you would put laundry right next to it is beyond me. 
-          So far so good with DFAC three meals a day.  Though I can see how some gain weight deployed – gotta watch all that white rice.  I hope there’s chocolate soy milk at my FOB too!
-          It’s a small world.  When I got to Rome about a year ago, Capt S and I figured out we had a mutual friend, S, one of my law school classmates.  Now I am headed to the same FOB where they met and where S is still working.  Can’t wait.