Monday, January 2, 2012

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

As I battled my first case of Afghan food poisoning the last couple days, there are few things I was more grateful for than my Army issued sleeping bag.  As I lay curled in the fetal position, I was happy that at least I was warm and at a relatively safe FOB.  Then I thought, this sleeping bag seems strangely suited for someone 62” tall.  While I don’t consider myself to be on the “small” side, for the military that is probably the case and I have run across only one SGT smaller than myself since I got here.  So how do taller folks fit in their sleeping bags?  Perhaps I lucked out and had grabbed one at Manas specifically made for us shorter folks?  So I checked out the Army instructions – always a wealth of information.  Very detailed instructions on how to clean the sleeping bag, brush your clothes off before climbing in, and most helpfully “DO NOT SMOKE in sleeping bag.”  But alas, no height/weight specifications.  Oh well, I’m just glad that although the military apparently wants me to gain 30 lbs to fit into my trousers and could only find one pair of boots my size before I left, at least my sleeping bag is perfect for an Allison!


  1. The sleeping bag is a surprisingly great piece of equipment. I just wish we had been issued a stuff-sack (or maybe even the full "sleep system") to put it in when traveling.

  2. oh man. sorry to hear you got food poisoning. hope your food experiences from here on out are much better!
